Welcome to Researched Supplements

Providing impartial advice and guidance on which supplements work and which do not. Researched Supplements publishes factual, research based articles on nutrition, fitness, bodybuilding and weight loss.

Weight Loss, Muscle Building and Fitness Product Reviews

The real difference with ResearchedSupplements in comparison with similar organizations is our impartiality. We do not sell anything, we do not own a product – we do not have a particular preference as to what you should buy or use.

We do recommend products and we do not apologize for this or try to hide it. We score each product that that we review using our own set of criteria BUT also include user input (your input).

What’s your primary goal?

We check our facts and provide links out to the original source of the data using authority sources.

Our team is passionate about nutrition, fitness and health. We have experts that write articles, review products and produce videos.

Our team of writers have experience and the necessary authority to write about their subject matter.

Best Fat Burners

Best Fat Burners 2024 – A Buyers Guide for Weight Management and Muscle Definition

Here are the best fat burners for weight management & muscle definition for 2024. We list the best brands. Watch videos for justifications of our choices.

Best Pre Workout Supplements – Top Products Revealed

We put the best pre workout supplements to the test and see what will give you the best results in the gym. Best Pre Workout’s roadtested with clinal data.

Best Pre Workouts

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