POWHER Fat Burner Review – A Women’s Supplement for Burning Excess Calories

Women’s supplements (especially fat burners made for women) are sometimes guilty of being under powered or under dosed. The latest additions are most certainly not. Powher fat burner from UltimateLife is arguably the strongest fat loss capsule we have reviewed! It is great for burning calories.

Powher fat burner for women review
Powher fat burner for women review

What is Powher Fat Burner

Losing body fat and burning excess calories can sometimes be a long and arduous road – especially for women.

A large majority of fat loss supplements on the market are made for men and contain ingredients that are not ideal for a woman’s body.

The last few years have seen a redress to the balance with several top quality woman focused body fat loss products appear. Could Powher fat burner be the best of a very good range of weight loss products?

Very good formula
Contains correct amount (3000mg) of Glucomannan.
Made by a specialist women supplement company
Packed with good complimentary ingredients
Excellent feedback from customers.
Long 3 month guarantee.
Free shipping to USA and UK

Reasonably high price point
Availability limited to official website
No free shipping to Australia and Canada

Excellent product. The biggest criticism that has surfaced is the price – $69 (US price) for a month supply is about $10 higher on average that the rest. So you may need to factor that in to your buying process.

Buying the larger 3 month package gives better value. You get a 4th bottle free and equates to $49.75 per bottle. The 3 month warranty is also very long and effectively makes Powher a risk free purchase.
Click to see special offers on the Powher official website


Powher Fat Burner Review

POWHER Fat Burner is part of a range of supplements distributed under the same brand name. When you see the name “HER” you know you are looking at a supplement aimed at women.

The POWHER brand belongs to a company called Ultimate Life. It operates out of a head office in the British city of Leeds.

I’m familiar with the company because I’ve reviewed some of its other products in the past and know there is nothing about Ultimate Life that is shady or underhand.

Ultimate Life produces its products to strict GMP quality standards in FDA registered facilities in the USA so you can be sure it’s products don’t contain any illegal ingredients that might make you ill.

Although I’ve already checked to see if there are any complaints about this company in the past, I checked again before writing this review.

I take nothing for granted and wanted to see if anything had changed. It hasn’t. Ultimate Life is okay.

Manufacturer credibility is one of the first things I look at when I write a review.

Then I take a closer look at the product itself and start looking for customer comments and feedback. I also check to see if there is a money-back guarantee and, in this case, there is.

Powher fat burner for women
Powher fat burning supplement for women

Visit Official Powher website

My First Impression of POWHER Fat Burner

I have to say, my first impression of POWHER Fat Burner is pretty good.

The marketing information sticks to the facts and tells it like it is. There’s not a lot of hype.

Nor is the there any flashy packaging. Like the box it comes in, the label on the bottles is Lavender. All the text is black. It’s kind of basic look. There is no power packaging that shouts “look at me”.

Okay. That’s what I like. Now for something I don’t like at all. 

Ultimate Life has put this on the market and then tried to change the name. The box says “POWHER Fat Burner”.

So does the bottle. Yet, on the POWHER Fat Burner sales page, Ultimate Life persists in calling it …


That’s actually a better name, in my opinion, but for the purpose of this review I’m going to stick to the name on the bottle and refer to it as POWHER Fat Burner.

Powher Cut
Powher Cut – a better sounding name

How Does Powher Fat Burner Work

POWHER Fat Burner is more than just a fat burner. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons, Ultimate Life is making its present ludicrous attempt to rename it POWHER cut.

Fat burners contain ingredients that affect metabolism and make it faster. By doing so, they increase the amount of calories you burn each day.

They may also cause your body to lose extra energy as heat (thermogenic fat burning). POWHER Fat Burner contains ingredients that do these things, but it contains a powerful appetite suppressant too.

So, unlike dedicated fat burners, that only increase metabolism and energy expenditure, this product helps you restrict calorie intake too.  It also boosts energy levels. There’s more to POWHER Fat Burner than it appears.

Usage Guidelines

The correct dose is two capsules, taken three times per day. That’s six per day in total and you need to take them just before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It goes without saying you will need to swallow the capsules with water. However, this is a product that contains glucomannan and the ingredient has to be activated by water, so it’s important it has plenty to work with.

Ultimate life suggests taking each dose with one to two glasses of water. I am very familiar with this ingredient and suggest drinking no less than two glasses of water with each dose. That will undoubtedly provide the best results.

How to Get the Best Results with POWHER Fat Burner

Please don’t think of this product as a magic pill. It’s not. There is no such thing. If you want to lose weight you need to make an effort. That fact that you have gained weight in the first place shows you need to modify your lifestyle.

No pill in the world will allow you to keep on going on as you were before and suddenly start losing weight. If that’s what you are looking for you need a serious reality check.

The only way to reverse your present situation and start burning fat is to stick to a low-calorie diet that doesn’t provide you body enough calories per day.

POWHER Fat Burner can help with this by reducing hunger but you will still need to avoid unhealthy options and pick only low-calorie foods.

Presuming you have no health problems that make it impossible to do so, getting more exercise will increase the amount of calories you burn per day. This will necessitate the need for extra fat burning.

Following a low-calorie diet often results in energy slumps.

Fortunately, POWHER Fat Burner contains ingredients that make exercise easier by providing an energy boost. It also contains some very good natural fat burners that will increase your metabolism and further increase the amount of fat you need to burn each day.

So, if you want to get the best fat burning results with POWHER Fat Burner, you need to work with the product instead of expecting it to do everything on its own. When it comes to losing weight there is no way to cheat.

Ingredients profile women fat burner
Ingredients profile

POWHER Fat Burner Ingredient Profile

Six capsules per day provide:

Magnesium Citrate   100mg
Amino Acid Chelate164mg
Chromium Picolinate 120mg
Iron BiGlycinate19mg
Konjac 3000mg
Choline Bitartrate  90mg
Natural Caffeine100m

Does the Formula Work

There are only seven ingredients in POWHER Fat Burner. That’s not a bad thing. It’s one of the main things that makes it possible for Ultimate Life to provide the ingredients in effective doses.

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is an ingredient that consists of magnesium and citric acid. As far as the ratios go, it’s usually an even mix. People sometimes use it as a remedy for constipation.

Ultimate life is using it to provide magnesium. This is an important mineral you can get from whole grains, nuts, seeds, and many other foods. Tofu is also a good source of magnesium, but magnesium citrate is quicker and easier to absorb.

Magnesium is an important mineral that’s a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems. Athletes sometimes take magnesium supplements because it supports energy production by aiding the production of ATP.

Due to the important role it plays in energy production within the body, magnesium is sometimes used as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5637834/)

Selenium Amino Acid Chelate

This ingredient feeds the body extra selenium. It’s an essential mineral that necessary for good health.

Selenium is an antioxidant that purges the body of toxins and helps prevent premature aging due to oxidative stress. It’s also good for the heart and may help prevent mental decline.

Selenium has many other virtues too, but it’s primarily included in POWHER Fat Burner because it supports thyroid function.

The thyroid gland is responsible for creating the hormones that regulate metabolism. If you already have a healthy thyroid, getting an extra dose of selenium is unlikely to be beneficial.

However, if your normal diet lacks adequate sources of selenium, its presence in POWHER Fat Burner should prevent a lack of thyroid hormones from scuppering your attempts at weight loss and holding you back. (https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/2017/1297658/)

Chromium Picolinate

Although there are other ingredients that provide chromium, chromium picolinate is the one most commonly used in supplements. There’s no mystery to why this is. Research shows it outperforms all of the other options.

Chromium has a very special relationship with insulin, which is critical to the metabolism and storage of nutrients.

Possibly of greater importance for a supplement such as this, chromium helps prevent the blood sugar spikes and subsequent blood sugar crashes that can trigger sudden desires for sugar and carbs.

Iron BiGlycinate

Iron BiGlycinate is an iron amino acid chelate. I don’t see a lot of amino acid chelates in the supplements I review. With the selenium amino acid chelate, this one has two. Ultimate Life must really like chelates.

I can’t see that amino chelates offer any real advantages over other alternatives. But I’m not aware of any disadvantages either.

Amino acid chelates may not beat the alternatives on ability, but they may do on price so the preference for this form may be because it helps Ultimate Life reduce the production costs and offer a more favorable deal to its customers.

Iron deficiency is a common problem. It causes anemia and one of the ways the condition manifests itself is extreme fatigue. Women are more prone to iron deficiency than men are, but plenty of men suffer from it too.

Getting extra iron can help the blood deliver extra oxygen to the muscles and important organs. If you have anemia, any supplement that provides iron may deliver dramatic results that allow you to enjoy higher energy levels and feel full of life.

To be honest though, iron is not a normal inclusion for fat burners. I’m guessing it’s only included here to make the formulation seem like it’s geared towards women more than men. It’s a flimsy link, but many people (of either sex) may find the extra iron is beneficial.


This is one of the best natural appetite suppressing ingredients you can get and the dose is bang on. Konjac is a species of plant that comes from Asia. The ingredient used in supplements comes from its roots and is also often known as glucomannan.

Konjac is a super-absorbent fiber that can absorb up to 50 times its own weight in water. When it combines with water it expands to form a gel that fills the stomach and provides a feeling of satiety.

There’s plenty of research that proves konjac works, but it’s obviously important to take it with plenty of water.  If you don’t the fibers won’t expand sufficiently to suppress hunger.

By comparing the data from various research studies, experts have established the best way to use konjac. The dose needs to be 3,000 mg per day, taken in three 1,000 mg doses. These have to be taken before eating each of the three main meals of the day.

POWHER Fat Burning pills provides the optimum dose, delivered at the correct times. The results can’t fail to be good. (https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1798)

Choline Bitartrate

This ingredient provides the body with extra choline. It’s an essential nutrient that helps maintain cell membrane integrity. Choline is also a forerunner of acetylcholine, which is an important neurotransmitter that supports memory function, can influence the mood, and also plays a role in muscle control.

The body can manufacture choline, but not enough to keep up with biological demands. It relies on food and supplements to keep choline levels topped-up.

Supplementing with choline has many benefits. One of the things it does is improve lipid metabolism. That’s just a fancy way of saying it helps the body breakdown it’s stores of fat so they can be used for fuel. In so doing, it helps with fat loss and boosts energy levels too.

Natural Caffeine

Caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world and it comes in many forms. A lot of supplements provide it as caffeine anhydrous. It’s a potent concentrate. A single teaspoon can hit you a caffeine punch equivalent to 28 cups of coffee.

Instead of providing stimulation, a dose like that would likely leave you out for the count and housed in a casket. You have to be careful with caffeine anhydrous and keep the doses small.

POWHER Fat Burner contains natural caffeine that’s been taken from Arabica coffee beans. It only provides 100mg per day, and that’s split into three smaller doses of around 33.3%.

To put this into better perspective. A normal cup of coffee provides 100 mg of caffeine so each dose of POWHER Fat Burner provides a similar quantity of caffeine to what you’d get from a third of a cup of coffee. That’s enough to provide extra energy, without presenting much risk of side effects.

Apart from being good for providing energy, caffeine also boosts the metabolism and encourages thermogenic fat burning.  It’s a good ingredient but you’ve got to treat it with respect. Fortunately, Ultimate Life does so.

Advertised Benefits

  • Supports improvements in performance and fat metabolism
  • Suppresses hunger
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue
  • Contributes to weight loss
  • Supports normal blood glucose concentrations
  • Fires up your fat shredding with natural ingredients that work

Do the Claims Hold Up?

The claims hold up well. The combination of benefits the ingredients provide are the same as the ones Ultimate Life promises. This product should do everything it’s meant to do.

Known Side Effects

There are no reports of side effects but that’s not surprising. Unlike a lot of other fat burners, POWHER Fat Burner does not contain a lot of unnecessary stimulants.

The level of caffeine in POWHER Fat Burner could be a problem for the minority of women who are unusually sensitive to stimulants but, for most women, it should be okay.

Again, it’s important to stress the need to take POWHER Fat Burner with plenty of water.

Taking konjac without enough water can dry out the stool and cause constipation.

The Bottom Line

After having taken a look at the ingredients Ultimate Life is using in POWHER Fat Burner, I can tell you the product is unlikely to provide any benefits that make it especially good for women.

It will do exactly the same thing for men. It’s a fat burner pure and simple. Saying it’s a fat burner for women is just a marketing ploy.

However, it contains some very good ingredients, in effective quantities, so it is a fat burner that will work. In fact, it should work extremely well for anyone who incorporates it into a healthy lifestyle and uses it in the correct way.

Where to Buy Powher Fat Burner

You can only buy POWHER Fat Burner from the POWHER website.  Each bottle contains 180 capsules. That’s enough to last for a month.

A single bottle purchase costs $69 (US pricing) plus shipping.

It is also available to in other countries and in other currencies.

If you add an extra bottle to the order, the cost per bottle remains the same but the shipping costs are waived (UK & USA only).

However, if you want to get the best deal possible it makes sense to place an order for three bottles instead.

This will allow you to get a fourth bottle of POWHER Fat Burner free of charge and free delivery anywhere in the world.

Buy Powher Fat Burner

The four bottles for the price of three deal does involve a slightly higher initial investment because the total spend is $199. However, the money is safe because POWHER Fat Burner comes with a generous 90-day money-back guarantee.

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