A dietary supplement and a fat burner for women that can be used as a weight loss pill and also as a fitness or workout supplement. It is arguably the most natural diet pill currently on the market. If you want to lose excess body fat and reduce your daily calorie intake LeanBean is an excellent choice.

Large inclusion rate of green coffee.
Contains correct amount (3000mg) of Glucomannan.
It is Clinically Proven (not many products can legitimately claim this).
Contains lots of other good ingredients.
Excellent feedback from customers.
Long 3 month guarantee.
Raspberry ketones unnecessary.
Availability limited to official website.
Doesn’t ship to some countries.
LeanBean is a great weight loss product for a woman with great reviews from both customers and industry critics.
The formula is great and has recently got even better by including a 3000mg of konjac fiber.
Leanbean is one of only a handful of fat reducing products that can claim to be clinically proven! See current offers from official website
The currency can be changed by clicking the currency icon at the top right hand corner of the website. It will display your local currency (AUD$, CAD$, US$, £ and €
Please note that due to the current special offer there is no current coupon code for LeanBean. View special offers by visiting the official website.
LeanBean Review
Page Contents
In this review I will remain objective and give you the pros and cons. I will look at the ingredients and reveal how they can help with fat loss and appetite suppression.
I have reviewed countless diet products over the years and Lean Bean has really grabbed my attention. If you are in search for a dietary supplement for a woman that helps rid excess body fat then consider Leanbean
When I put my name and face to something and give it a positive review I sure as hell make sure it’s worthy of it!
Media Update: Lean Bean has been a remarkable success and looks dominate in 2022. It is the best fat burner for women by some distance. It is extremely well formulated, is loved by it’s customers and the company behind the product take their customer service responsibilities seriously.
There are also videos below made by our resident supplement guru Ross explaining exactly how the ingredients work and how they can benefit you.
These are some of the highlights of this LeanBean review and why I think it’s a great diet product for a woman.
- Highest dose of a main ingredient I have ever reviewed
- At 6 grams, it has destroyed the competition
- This is the weight loss product every women should try
- By far the best looking brand on the market, hello Instagram
- Great reviews universally
- Long 3 months money back guarantee.
As I alluded to above, LeanBean has the highest dose of its main active ingredient than I’ve ever reviewed in a supplement.
I recommend to use LeanBean if you are:
- Female
- Aged Between 18-65
- Want to lose body fat and keep it off
A lot of diet pills are pure diuretics – meaning they just help you lose water and sodium, so as soon as take on water again your weight will return. LeanBean targets actual body fat!
Where to Buy LeanBean
Available exclusively from its own official website. There are multiple language and currency options.
Please note – there is no current LeanBean Coupon Code due to the special offer currently on.
Special Offers for 2022
LeanBean Before and After Pics

Visit official LeanBean website and view more testimonials
It also contains a packed formula of other ingredients, all crammed into the dietary supplement’s capsules.
The inclusions consist of 12 compounds, most of which are backed by the positive results of scientific experiments involving obese people.
Can LeanBean help you lose weight? Yes, provided you are not overpowering the work it does with a crappy diet. I’ll explain more about this as we go.
But first here are a few pictures of some glamour girls posing with their LeanBean paraphernalia

I’ll just tell you this. When you order you can also buy their performance sports bra.
My personal view is don’t bother with it as it is a tad expensive just for the logo.

There are NO Stimulants – None – Nada
What about side effects in Lean Bean, you ask? It’s surprisingly beneficial to your health compared to other diet pills.
Perhaps the best part for many potential customers will be the part where we discuss stimulants…there aren’t any.
Which leaves you to enjoy your coffee or other stimulant-based products if you want to.
On the other hand, if you like to avoid caffeine and other stimulants altogether then LeanBean would probably be a good fat burner to go with.
No jitters, no crashes, but quite a bit of fat burning power.
Finally, I’ll talk about where you can get hold of some. Spoiler alert: you won’t have to go anywhere as it can all be done online, the sensible way.

LeanBean – Potential Weight Loss and Health Benefits
LeanBean is marketed to women, first and foremost. It is a clinically proven fat burner for women.
In fact, the company uses the phrase ‘tailored to women’ suggesting there is something special about the formula that applies directly to the ladies.
It’s partly to do with the Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) activation from one of the ingredients – turmeric.
Women have a lower proportion of BAT as they age compared to men.
So the inclusion of ingredients which light it up could be considered tailoring it to them.
But, there would be no problem for men taking Leanbean at all.
They do however suggest that women crave certain food types more than men, and therefore put on weight differently.
Hence the selection of specific ingredients to help reduce those troublesome cravings.

The 12 ingredients in the capsules have different effects but they all combine, the company says, to provide the following benefits:
The 12 Included Lean Bean Ingredients can…
- Reduce Cellulite
- Reduce Body Fat Layer
- Cut Out Cravings
- Improve Energy Levels
- Improve Mood
- Suppress Appetite
- 4 Capsules per Day for ‘Round the Clock’ Results
- Provide All Natural Ingredients
- Cause No Side Effects
I mentioned in the intro that it contains the highest dose of an ingredient I’ve seen.
That’s the Green Coffee at 300mg over the day.
Scientists still aren’t a hundred percent sure why, but the chlorogenic acid in GC blocks the absorption of some of carbohydrates you eat from leaving the gut.
The problem is that most supplements don’t contain anywhere near the amount of green coffee extract you need to get a good dose of chlorogenic acid.
At 6 grams, LeanBean has destroyed the competition in this category alone.
Let’s look at Green Coffee Bean and the rest of the inclusions in more detail.
Watch and listen to ResearchedSupplement’s Ross talk about Green Coffee Bean Extract and how it can help you lose weight.
Ingredients – What’s In LeanBean?
The first observation I’d like to make is that you know exactly what you’re buying when you purchase LeanBean.
I’m referring to the full disclosure label and complete description of each ingredient on the website.
What’s more, they provide scientific references of studies that have been undertaken with each inclusion.
That may seem like standard practice – and you’re right, it should be – but so many companies don’t even include the formula of the ingredients on the website, or they hide it somewhere in small or blurry print.
LeanBean has a completely open label as well, meaning we know the exact dosages of each of the inclusions. It’s easy to review.
Here they are:
- Green Coffee – 300mg
- Acai Berry – 800mg
- Glucomannan – 3000mg
- Garcinia Cambogia – 400mg
- Green Tea Extract – 200mg
- Turmeric Powder – 200mg
- Cayenne Powder – 60mg
- Black Pepper – 20mg
- Raspberry Ketones – 8mg
- Vitamin B6 – 3.72mg
- Vitamin B12 – 6.4 mcg
- Chromium – 120 mcg
Green Coffee – 300mg
The chlorogenic acid content of green coffee extracts is responsible for most of its benefits.
Its fat burning or weight loss effect is its ability to block a significant percentage of carbohydrate absorption from the gut.
This means some of the glucose from carbs never makes it into the bloodstream and thus get passed as waste rather than being stored by the body.
Interestingly, that also means Green Coffee extract has a blood sugar reducing effect, preventing further complications of the glucose spikes and the concomitant insulin response.
Of course, it doesn’t take a huge leap from there to realize it has an anti-diabetic effect as well.
Chlorogenic acid can also directly stimulate AMPK, a metabolic lever which increases fat metabolism.
Note: I’ve never seen a dosage this powerful. Usually, the green coffee is included at a few hundred milligrams which means the chlorogenic acid content is often shamefully low.
This 300mg dose of green coffee implies a clinically potent quantity of chlorogenic acid will be delivered.
Below is a summary of the benefits of the green coffee, including those already mentioned.
Benefits Include
- Reduced Fat Mass
- Reduced Glucose Spikes
- Improved Insulin Sensitivity
- Anti-Diabetic
- Improved Subjective Well-Being
- Reduced Blood Pressure
- Reduced Homocysteine levels
- Increased Vascular Function
LeanBean’s Ingredients References:
- Thom E, et al – The effect of chlorogenic acid enriched coffee on glucose absorption in healthy volunteers and its effect on body mass when used long-term in overweight and obese people – Journal Int Med Res Nov-Dec 2007 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18035001]
- Stohs SJ, Badmaev V – A Review of Natural Stimulant and Non-stimulant Thermogenic Agents – Phylother Res May 2016 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26856274]
Turmeric / Curcumin

Turmeric contains curcumin, which possesses a plethora of potent benefits to health, too many to discuss in this review.
One of those benefits most relevant to weight loss is its ability to brown white adipose tissue (WAT).
In a nutshell: white fat (WAT) is the fat we don’t want. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) burns white fat to generate heat.
It’s a mechanism we have when we are babies and our BAT quantities shrink in adulthood – especially in women.
By browning our white fat, turmeric actually converts some of that unwanted fat into brown fat cells and wastes the flabby extra. Incidentally cayenne – another LeanBean ingredient – does this as well.,
The addition of black pepper to LeanBean serves to increase the potency of Turmeric even more.
I said there were many health benefits to turmeric…check out our article discussing some of the other health benefits of this gem of a spice. [https://www.researchedsupplements.com/turmeric-curcumin-benefits-dosage].
A fiber extracted from the root of the konjac plant, glucomannan can form a thick gel-like substance in the stomach by absorbing water and other fluids.
This comfortable mass can provide a sensation of being fuller from the food you eat afterwards. It’s basically a physical appetite suppressant, and it works, especially in conjunction with the other ingredients in the capsules.
Green Tea Extract
GTE features in more fat burners, diet pills and other weight loss products than any other ingredient these days.
That doesn’t happen for no reason. The scientific body of evidence is overwhelmingly supportive of its use.
Check out this meta-analysis (a study of studies) from R Hursel et al, which looked at 11 studies of green tea and found it has a fat burning/weight loss effect attributable to the EGCG content.
Not only that but Green Tea is probably one of the healthiest supplements on Earth.
It’s a bit like Turmeric in that it has a huge profile of benefits. You can learn more from our dedicated page on it [https://www.researchedsupplements.com/green-tea-benefits].
Cayenne Pepper
All the heat without the burn.
Cayenne pepper packs some serious heat, but when you take it in a supplement like this you don’t feel any of the discomfort that you would if you chowed down on a red devil.
As mentioned in the Turmeric section, Cayenne can activate BAT to burn unwanted body fat, and it even reduces fat in other ways, such as appetite suppression.
Other Lean Bean Ingredients
I’ve discussed what I think are the key ingredients and while I could go on and on, you’ve probably read similar information about the same inclusions over and over again.
The only ingredient in LeanBean that doesn’t really do anything for me is Raspberry Ketones. Research looks promising but the results just haven’t happened in the real world.
Having said that, there’s a pretty insignificant amount in the formula anyway so the point is largely moot.
LeanBean Customer Reviews and Testimonials
There are many positive customer reviews and testimonials from real people. Below is a sample video of Rebecca’s (from the UK) experience with Lean Bean.
Side Effects of LeanBean – Are There Any?
Nobody should experience any negative effects from the LeanBean formula.
Certainly the omission of any stimulants helps in this regard – fat burners are often quite stim-heavy which can lead to a few minor issues, especially to those sensitive to them.
Not only are side effects virtually impossible but each of the ingredients in this product has several health benefits in addition to the fat loss/weight loss effects.

LeanBean Review What’s The Verdict – Will LeanBean Work?
The formula is well researched and contains a quality blend of synergistic ingredients.
The green coffee at that dose alone will help you achieve your body goals.
The addition of so many other proven supplements has additive effects, and not only for weight loss purposes.
There are many additional health benefits to the LeanBean recipe, not the least of which is improved blood sugar control and a boosted immune system.
For best results, it’s recommended to use it for a full 90 days as some of the ingredients require a little while to start taking maximum effect.
Drink plenty of water with and after taking the pills, and try to take them before a meal to get the best out of the appetite suppressing effects. That concludes my LeanBean review.
Where To Buy LeanBean
Available exclusively from the official website
The LeanBean website accepts PayPal and Amazon Pay as well as most credit cards.
They also ship to the USA, Canada and Australia. There is also a French language version of the website.
The pack of 3 bottles even comes with a free bottle and an e-book workout guide.
There’s also a 90 day money back guarantee, and even applies if you use the product for 3 months.
There is no valid current LeanBean coupon code due to the aggressive special offer they have in place (at the time of this LeanBean review).

Yes, but you have to buy it from the official website. It can be delivered to anywhere in Ireland (and Northern Ireland). If you buy the maximum package, the Bikini Bundle, shipping is free
There is no ‘best price’ as such as Lean Bean is only available to buy from the official website. However if you take advantage of the special offers you can make considerable savings and often free delivery
It is not a good idea for men to use, there are ingredients that are present that are meant for female hormones only.