Arguably one of the most sought after pre workouts for 2022 – Powher looks set to dominate the women’s market for workout supplements. Read our updated review.

Powher Pre Workout for Women
Page Contents
Powher is a pre-workout supplement for women. It’s made in FDA registered facilities by Ultimate Life. The company also produces a number of other supplements for women, including the incredibly popular Leanbean.
In this review, we will take a closer look at Powher and see what it does and how it compares to the other pre-workout options women have available to them.
Great for stamina and energy
Supports more intense workouts for faster fat loss
Manufactured in FDA registered facilities
Formulated for the female body.
60 Day Guarantee
For women only
Not a weight loss product (not directly although can help weight loss)
Powher is a seriously impressive product. If you are looking for a good way to add some extra steam to your workout, burn more fat, and get that toned and beach-ready look, Powher will help. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
If you hit the gym and are serious about maximizing your results then you will almost certainly need to use a pre-workout supplement. The choices available for women are minuscule compared to men.
Although most pre workout supplements are unisex, most products are designed for men – the female body can respond differently to certain ingredients (and strengths) compared to the male body so Ultimate Life has delivered the solution.
What is Powher Designed to Do
First and foremost, Powher is a pre-workout supplement aimed at women. Like all the other pre-workout supplements on the market, it’s intended to help people using it to enjoy a better quality workout and attain superior results.
As is often the case with pre-workout supplements, Powher comes in powder form. It has to be mixed with water and consumed as a drink. It’s pink in colour and tastes like pink lemonade.
The main promised benefits are:
- Supports intense workouts for faster fat loss
- Delivers a stable release of energy without side effects
- Gives you more strength in the gym
- Improves stamina
- Provides a mental boost
- Helps you get a more toned body
- Contains no bulking ingredients
Available exclusively from it’s own official website. There are three different packages to buy.
Please note – there is no current POWHER Coupon Code due to the special offer currently on.
View Special Offers

How It Compares to the Other Options Available
The problem with pre-workout supplements is most of them are intended for men. Some of them are alleged to be suitable for women too but, in reality, they are incapable of giving a girl the things she needs.
There are also a lot of pre-workout supplements on the market that are sold with the promise they are made for women. The problem is few of them are. In fact, some of them are being distributed by manufacturers that are selling the exact same formulation under a different label and stating it’s intended exclusively for men.
This presents a few problems. For one thing, a lot of these supplements contain ingredients that assist muscle growth and help users to bulk up. That’s fine if you are a lady who wants to grow big muscles and compete in bodybuilding competitions, but most women don’t have this aim.

Another problem is supplements of this nature often contain high doses of caffeine and/or other stimulants. This can pose the potential for nasty side effects.
It’s also worth bearing in mind the fact that caffeine can present certain problems to women that it does not present to men. This is mostly because it has the ability to affect estrogen levels. Low doses are fine. Most women are okay with that.
Problems generally only arise when the dose becomes too high. The amount of caffeine provided by pre-workout supplements is often ridiculously high.
Instead of pumping Powher full of caffeine, Ultimate Life has opted to use only a moderate amount. However, this does not rob the formulation of power. The caffeine in Powher is backed up by a number of other good energy-providing ingredients and none of them are stimulants.

Powher Ingredients at a Glance
Each (10g) scoop of POWHER contains the following 13 active ingredients:
- Natural Caffeine [from green coffee beans] (100 mg)
- EnXtra (300 mg)
- OxyJun (400 mg)
- Coconut Water [freeze dried] (500 mg)
- Tyrosine (500 mg)
- Lysine (500 mg)
- RedNite (500mg)
- Beta-Alanine (1,000 mg)
- L-Citrulline Malate (2,000 mg)
- Taurine (2,500 mg)
- Pantothenic Acid (10 mg)
- Vitamin B6 (10mg)
- Vitamin B12 (50 mcg)
Blend Potential
Ultimate Life has put together a seriously good pre-workout formulation that should do everything it’s intended to do. Let’s break it down and look at the individual inclusions one by one.
Natural Caffeine
Caffeine is good for clearing the mind and providing higher levels of focus and concentration. It’s also an excellent energy provider. That’s why you’ll find a small quantity of it in Red Bull and most other energy drinks.
In addition to the aforementioned abilities, caffeine also boosts the metabolism and helps accelerate fat loss. [SOURCE]
EnXtra is a proprietary blend of plant extracts that offers the same energy boost as caffeine and does so without the risk of a crash. The ingredient has no known side effects at all.
It can work alongside caffeine or without it. Either way, it can boost mental alertness and focus for up to five hours. [SOURCE]
A branded extract taken from the bark of the Termninalia Arjuna tree. Extracts of the bark are used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine and research shows it can be beneficial for the heart.
Additional research, conducted on OxyJun, suggests it can also help people to exercise longer without being slowed down by fatigue. [SOURCE 1]
Coconut Water
Drinking coconut water can be a very invigorating experience. This is largely due to the fact that it provides potassium, magnesium, and other minerals the body uses as electrolytes.
Sports drinks often contain electrolytes because they are so important for optimum energy. There are even sports drink brands that are completely powered by coconut water.

Tyrosine is an amino acid that is often added to nootropic supplements. It’s valuable as a nootropic ingredient because the body uses it to produce the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine. It also aids adrenaline production.
Although nootropic manufacturers usually use tyrosine for promoting increased mental alertness and focus it can also have a beneficial effect on the mood.
Lysine is an essential amino acid. Unlike certain other amino acids, your body cannot manufacture lycine. It has to obtain it from food or supplements.
The body needs lysine to repair muscle tissue and build collagen. The fact that the POWHER formulation contains this important amino acid can only be seen as a good thing. Apart from being necessary for healthy protein synthesis, lysine also helps ensure faster post-workout recovery rates. [SOURCE]
A patented beetroot extract. Beetroot is a nitrate-rich vegetable that improves the circulation, allowing the muscles to benefit from an increased flow of nutrients and oxygen. This makes it easier to train harder and longer without feeling tired.
RedNite contains 25 times as much nitrate as normal beetroot, so it’s a powerful ingredient. [SOURCE]
Beta-Alanine is an amino acid with a long history of use as a performance enhancer.
Numerous studies show it has the ability to reduce lactic acid build-up and support long durations of physical activity. [SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2]
L-Citrulline Malate
A non-essential amino acid that has a longstanding reputation for boosting performance and endurance.
During one seven-day study involving 22-trained cyclists, the cyclists given the supplement were able to complete a cycle ergometer exercise trial significantly faster than the placebo group. [SOURCE]
Look at the list of ingredients included in most energy drinks and you will almost certainly see taurine listed there. Like many of the other ingredients in POWHER, taurine is an amino acid.
Apart from helping provide the energy needed for a good workout, taurine also promotes faster recovery. Additionally, supplementation with taurine protects the muscles during exercise and increases physical strength. [SOURCE 1]
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) + Vitamin B6 + Vitamin B12
Three versatile B vitamins you will find in any number of popular energy drinks, including Red Bull. Needless to say, all three have the ability to help you power-up your workout and make the most of your training. [SOURCE]
How to Use POWHER
POWHER is not a complicated product to use. It’s simply a case of combining one (10 g) scoop of the powder with 250 ml of water and consuming it 30 minutes before your workout.

Powher Customer Reviews
At the time of this review, Powher was still a reasonably new product and customer reviews were thin on the ground.
However, one female fitness blogger states:
“It’s the best pre-workout for women I’ve ever tried.”
Another says:
“Powher gives me the enthusiasm and energy I need to get to the gym and give it my best shot.”
Women are also discussing the product and recommending it to their friends on a number of fitness forums.
In fact, the general opinion appears to be, Powher does everything it’s meant to do and more.
Potential Side Effects and Interaction Issues
There are no known side effects. However, Powher is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing an infant.
As with any other form of dietary supplement, women who have existing health issues would be wise to obtain guidance from their doctor prior to commencing supplementation.
This advice is equally applicable to women who are considering using POWHER alongside medication and/or other supplements.
Although the amount of caffeine in Powher is quite low, it may be too high for women who are unusually sensitive to caffeine.
The thing to know is, 100 mg is the same amount of caffeine you would get from a standard cup of coffee. So, if you can handle a cup of coffee without issue, you should be okay with Powher too.
The Final Verdict
Powher is a seriously impressive product. If you are looking for a good way to add some extra steam to your workout, burn more fat, and get that toned and beach-ready look, Powher will help.
The formulation takes all the best energy drink ingredients and combines them with several cutting edge ingredients you don’t see in many other pre-workouts.
It’s hard to say why more manufacturers are not using EnXtra, OxyJun, and RedNite in their formulations, but it could be due to the costs involved.
Stimulants are cheap. Quality ingredients cost a little more. Loading a pre-workout with stimulants is a very good way to keep costs down and get more profit.
Ultimate Life has chosen not to go down this route. That means the ones who really profit will be the women who choose to go with their products. Powher isn’t just a good pre-workout for women, it’s the best.

Powher Purchasing Options and Considerations
Ultimate Life has created a special product website. If you want to buy a tub of Powher, that’s where you will have to go. The product is not available from third-party online stores. Nor can you buy it from health food stores or any other retail outlets. It’s 100 percent exclusive to the Powher website.
Each tub contains 250 mg of powder and is good for 25 servings. That may seem a little stingy at first, blush, but it’s not.
The thing to remember is even professional athletes do not workout seven days a week. A 30-serving tub simply is not needed and, as far as the price goes, Powher is pretty reasonable. Each tub has an RRP of just $45.

Ultimate Life also offers a couple of money-stretching deals. The best of which goes to women who buy three tubs of Powher and get a fourth tub free of charge. Ultimate Life calls this their “Ultimate POWHER Pack” and it’s shipped free of charge to addresses anywhere in the world.
Is it safe to take POWHER with other supplements?
There is no reason why you shouldn’t use it alongside vitamins and minerals. However, if you wish to combine it with fat burners, appetite suppressants or other types of supplement it makes sense to ask your doctor for advice first.
How fast does it work?
You should start feeling the benefits within 30 minutes of consuming the powder. That’s why you have to take it 30 minutes before training.
Does POWHER help with weight loss?
It does, but probably not in the way you may think. POWHER is a supplement for improving your workout. Presuming you are eating healthily and not getting too many calories, the fact that you are working out harder will mean you are burning more calories. The result of this is you will also lose more fat.
What’s the best way to store POWHER?
First and foremost, you will need to make sure you replace the lid between uses. Like all powder-type supplements, POWHER can absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Replacing the lid between uses will prevent this from happening. It’s also best to store POWHER in a cool, dark place.
How long does a tub last?
You only need to take POWHER on your workout days so how long a tub last will depend on how often you exercise.
If you only workout three times per week, each tub will be good for eight weeks. If you workout six times per week, it will last for a month.