Thermosyn Review
Thermosyn Weight Loss Capsules are one of several weight management products being marketed online by The Skinny Caffe.
The official website does not provide any information about the company at all and the only way to contact Skinny Caffe is via an online form.
The company appears to be based in Britain, but we make that assumption because the default currency on the website is GBP and because British customers are told they will receive their shipment in 1-4 days and customers located elsewhere in the world have to wait longer.
However, there is no way to know if the manufacturing process is carried out in Britain or another country that has similar regulatory bodies responsible for policing supplement manufacture and ensuring strict safety standards are upheld.
The truth is, the pills could come from anywhere in the world.
Recommended: We have compiled our list of recommended diet and weight loss products in accordance of what customers think. User experience is arguably the best metric to gauge how effective a product is.
We have listed our highest rated products and an explanation of why they are so rated highly.
Advertised Benefits
- Contains the strongest and most effective ingredients available
- Dramatically improves fat burning
- Provides explosive energy
- Suppresses the appetite
- Increases mental focus
How Does it Work
The capsules are designed to control hunger, boost the metabolism and encourage fat burning, while also ensuring a low-calorie living doesn’t result in a lack of vigour or undue fatigue.
Any number of competing diet pills are designed to do the same things.
The only thing that makes this product a little different from the alternatives is the pills come in a 15-day supply instead of 30 (pretty much the norm) and are packed in a tear-open bag instead of a bottle.
Usage Guidelines
Two capsules are required per day and should normally be taken as two (1 capsule) doses separated by a space of four to six hours.
If the capsules are being used alongside exercise, both capsules should be consumed together 45 minutes before workouts or other health and fitness activities.
Key Ingredients and Blend Potential
One capsule contains:
- Green Coffee Bean (1000mg): Green coffee beans are normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted. This allows them to retain their natural abundance of chlorogenic acid. This is a powerful fat burning compound that has such a good reputation for getting results it’s often used as a standalone ingredient in diet pills and weight loss coffees.
- Glucomannan (100mg): A high-fibre root extract that soaks up water and expands in the stomach to provide appetite suppression. Clinical trials prove that it works, but only when it’s provided in three (1g) doses per day, taken before meals, and consumed with adequate water.
- Caffeine (83.34mg): A stimulant that provides extra energy and improves mental focus. Research shows caffeine also boosts the metabolism and encourages fat burning. The dose included here is probably too low to provide an awful lot of benefit to the average person. It should work better for people who don’t normally consume much caffeine, but such people will be more prone to jitters and other caffeine-related side effects.
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine (50mg): An amino acid that assists energy production within the body and is sometimes credited with the ability to encourage fat burning without loss of muscle mass. The standard dose is 630-2500mg per day so, once again, the formulation comes up short.
- L-Tyrosine (50mg): An amino acid. It’s unclear why it’s been added here, but supplementation with L-Tyrosine can have a positive effect on cognitive function. However, research suggests a dose of 10g (5 X 2g) per day may be required. Even a full bag of Themosyn Weight Loss Capsules would be incapable of providing anywhere near that amount.
- Raspberry Fruit Extract (500mg): Raspberry ketones is a popular appetite suppressing ingredient and fat burner, but this appears to be nothing more than a normal raspberry extract. If this is the case, it won’t get the job done. It would take several kgs of raspberry extract to provide a viable dose of raspberry ketones.
- African Mango (250mg): A hunger-reducing tropical fruit extract that boasts an unusually copious level of nutrients.
- Capsicum (100mg): A popular fat burning ingredient with proven abilities. The capsaicin provided by this red pepper extract has the ability to speed the metabolism and boost fat burning capabilities.
- Bladderwrack Extract (175mg): An ingredient derived from a species of seaweed. Bladderwrack is added to diet pills because it provides iodine. The thyroid uses iodine to manufacture the hormones that regulate the metabolism. Skinny Caffe is using an extract that’s standardised to be 1% iodine. That means each capsule consumed will provide the body with 1.75mg of iodine. That’s far too much. The recommended daily amount (RDA) is only 0.15 mg (150 μg). The RDA can be exceeded to some extent, but consuming more than 0.5mg (500 μg) per day can lead to the Wolff–Chaikoff effect. This is not good because it entails a reduction in thyroid hormone levels. Although the effect can have value as a treatment for hyperthyroidism, it is a highly undesirable trait in a weight loss product.
- Chromium as Picolinate (66.67mcg): A mineral that added to diet pills because it regulates insulin and prevents blood sugar crashes.
Thermosyn Customer Testimonials
The only customer feedback we could find was on the manufacturer’s website. Reviews placed on manufacturer’s websites are often hand-picked and cannot be relied upon.
There are a few third party website where Thermosyn is mentioned but not much in the way of positive comments from customers.
Side Effects and Health Considerations
The amount of iodine provided by a single capsule far exceeds the RDA and two capsules are required per day.
With this in mind, we feel it would be unwise to use this product without a doctor’s approval.
Where to Buy Themosyn Weight Loss Capsules
Although it’s possible to buy Thermosyn Weight Loss Capsules from the Skinny Caffe website, it’s generally cheaper buy via
There are no valid Thermosyn coupon codes in effect.
There is no money back guarantee.
Thermosyn Summary
It’s never confidence building when companies go to such great lengths to hide their location.
Nor does it impress when they fail to provide customers with a money back guarantee.
Skinny Caffe was a candidate for our naughty list right from the start.
Our evaluation of the ingredient profile did little to restore our faith.
Although many of the inclusions are good, some of the better ones, such as glucomannan, are included in doses that can only be ineffective.
Several of the inclusions should help boost the metabolism and encourage fat burning, but the excessive amount of iodine provided by bladderwrack has the potential to slow everything down again.
We also have to question the wisdom of using any product that provides iodine in an amount that exceeds the RDA by such a high degree. The RDA is only 0.15 mg.
Two Themosyn Weight Loss Capsules provide 3.5mg.
That’s a big difference. So, bearing in mind the limited potential of the product and it’s unknown origin, we suggest interested parties give this one a miss and look for a product with better credentials instead.
Recommended Diet Product
Which product scores the most for :- Effectiveness - how quickly it works
- Customer Feedback - what past customers say
- Value For Money - is it worth the price
- Ingredient Profile - what is actually in it
- Safety Rating - Is it free from side effects