Turbo T5 Fat Burner Review
Turbo T5 fat burner is made in the UK by Astral Nutrition. In this review I will try to explain exactly how this fat burner works and what it can do for you.
It’s alleged to be the most powerful T5 fat burner on the market and Astral Nutrition promise rapid weight loss, significantly faster calorie burning, and reduced hunger cravings.
Apparently, users of the product typically experience amazing weight loss results and transformations in physique within the first three months of use.
Turbo T5 is also designed to support intense gym workouts by providing jitter-free energy and higher levels of mental focus and clarity.
What Is Astral Nutrition Turbo T5 and How Does It Work?
T-type fat burners turn up a lot these days, but like a lot of T5 fat burners, Turbo T5 is unlikely to put the “T” into fat burning in the way such fat burners are supposed to do. It’s a marketing gimmick. The “T” is intended to indicate a product that stimulates the thyroid gland.
Supplements that work in this way can be beneficial for people who are struggling with their body weight due to a lack of important thyroid hormones that are necessary for a normal speed metabolism.
In many cases, the problem is caused by a lack of iodine. However, T3 and T4 are the two most important thyroid hormones.
There is no T5 hormone and Turbo T5 does not contain any iodine-providing ingredients.
Key Ingredients
According to the FAQs on the Astral Nutrition website, each capsule provides:
- Bitter Orange Powder (250mg): Provides a fat burning stimulant called syneprhine.
- Green Tea Extract (1000mg): A healthy ingredient that has been linked to a number of health benefits including weight loss. The dose provided here is unusually generous.
- Caffeine (136mg): A stimulant that provides extra energy, wards off tiredness, boosts mental focus, and has proven credentials as a fat burner. The dose provided is slightly more than you would get from a cup of coffee.
- L-Taurine (100mg): An organic compound that is a key ingredient in energy drink formulations.
- Guarana (200mg): An ingredient derived from a species of berry. Guarana is a potent source of caffeine.
- Iron (3.5mg): An important mineral. The red blood cells need iron to make hemoglobin.
- Niacin (20mg): Also called Vitamin B3, niacin opens up the blood vessels and improves the circulation. This allows the muscles, brain, and other important organs to benefit from increased supplies of nutrients and oxygen. Likely benefits include improvements to cognitive function, more endurance and stamina, and faster post-workout recovery rates.
- Vitamin B6 (3.5mg) + Vitamin B12 (25mcg): Both these B vitamins are added to energy drinks because they help the body extract energy from food.
- Thiamine (1.2mg) + Riboflavin (1.4mg): Two more B Vitamins that support improved energy levels.
Usage Instructions
The capsules are intended to be taken with food and should be swallowed with 400-500ml of water.
The usage instructions don’t provide any information about the timing of the doses but one capsule is required two times per day.
The doses need to be separated by a gap of five hours and it’s important never to take more than two capsules in any 24-hour period.
Bearing in mind the fact the formulation is so high in stimulants, we suggest avoiding taking this product within five hours of bedtime.
Turbo T5 Customer Feedback
The manufacturer’s website is the only source of customer reviews.
This is less than ideal because reviews provided by manufacturers are often biased. In this case, we are seeing a few complaints that could suggest Astral Nutrition is not actively policing the reviews presented on the site.
The good reviews certainly far outweigh the bad, but in a number of cases, customers have awarded a five-star rating for a fast delivery before even using the pills.
A few reviews based on actual product performance read:
“Top notch product. 10 minutes into my cardio session I was sweating buckets.”
“Help me work up a sweat. Would buy again.”
“Only lost a few pounds.”
“Spot on! Will use again.”
“Glad to see some weight loss at last.”
However, some of the reviews are suspiciously similar and we noticed two different people had left the same short comment:
“Beter than the others I’ve tried that’s for sure.”
Both reviewers had written “beter” instead of better.
Turbo T5 Side Effects and Health Issues
The Turbo T5 formulation contains an unusually high amount of stimulants so we suggest all potential users ask their doctor for advice prior to commencing supplementation.
Turbo T5 is sold with a 30-day money back guarantee.
Turbo T5 Summary
We find it very suspicious to see two identical reviews with the same spelling mistake.
Several other reviews were also eerily similar so we don’t trust the customer feedback provided by Astral Nutrition.
However, the pills contain a lot of green tea, so they should support improved fat burning.
All that caffeine will further boost the metabolism and encourage additional improvements in fat burning capability.
However, the formulation is very heavy on stimulants and has a lot of natural energy boosters included so Turbo T5 is probably being miss-marketed.
None of the ingredients are normally associated with appetite suppression. Most people who need to lose weight need help to control their hunger urges so this is a big failing.
However, all those stimulants and B Vitamins should allow the formulation to work incredibly well as a pre-workout supplement.
The presence of green tea may allow Turbo T5 to be a particularly good option for bodybuilders who have the dual aims of training harder and improving their muscle definition by cutting down their body fat percentage.
Where To Buy Turbo T5
You can buy Astral Nutrition Turbo T5 directly from the manufacturer’s website.
Bulk buy savings are available and it’s also possible to purchase the pills alongside a number of other products as part of a weight loss bundle.
Shipping is free to addresses located in the UK, EU, USA, Australia and Canada.
Turbo T5 also appears to available via Amazon, but we have some doubts about the legitimacy of the product because the ingredient profile, though very similar to the one provided on the manufacturer’s website shows a worryingly high dose of Bitter Orange.
It’s possible this could be an earlier version of the product, but we find it hard to believe any reputable diet pill manufacturer would create a product that provides 1000mg of Bitter Orange per day.
We strongly suggest only buying this product via the Astral Nutrition website.
Recommended Alternative
PhenQ is a highly recommended weight loss product for both men and women. It has multiple benefits and there is no gimmick or hollow promises. It is made from natural ingredients and completely safe to use.
- It can burn your excess and existing body fat
- It can block or stop additional fat from your consumed food
- It can help to reduce you appetite and stop hunger pangs