Fit Affinity Lean Fat Burner for Her Review
Lean Fat Burner for Her is a weight loss supplement for women.
It’s produced in America by Fit Affinity. The company also manufactures a couple of other supplements intended for female use, including an appetite suppressant called Firm Body Sculptor for Her.
As the name suggests, Lean Fat Burner for Her is intended to function as a female fat burner.
However, there is nothing in the formulation that is likely to make it work any differently for women than it does for men and it does not compare well with any of the top female fat burning products.
Scientists recently discovered something many women have suspected for years—the female hunger urge is stronger than a man’s.
For that reason, most of the best fat burners for women are designed to provide strong appetite suppression.
Women who buy Lean Fat Burner for Her will be at an immediate disadvantage because it does not provide this important benefit.
That means they may need to buy a separate appetite suppressing product.
Fit Affinity makes this easy to do by providing discounts to customers who buy Lean Fat Burner for Her alongside Firm Body Sculptor for Her.
However, buying two products in place of one does not make good sense because, even with a discount, it still pushes up the price, so we have serious doubts about this product right from the start.
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Lean Fat Burner for Her Benefits
- Boosts the metabolism
- Provides fat burning
- Reduces fatigue
- Raises energy levels
- Improves mental focus and concentration
- Enhances the mood
- Aids nutrient metabolism
- Works without the need for exercise
- Provides fast results for women of all body types
How to Use Lean Fat Burner for Her
Lean Fat Burner for Her is intended to be used in cycles of eight weeks on followed by one week off and Fit Affinity say exercise is not required but will ensure improved results.
Only two pills are needed per day. These should be taken with food and breakfast time is apparently the best time for women who are planning on exercising.
Otherwise, the time does not appear to matter.
Ingredient Profile
Two Lean Fat Burner for Her capsules provide:
- Cayenne Powder (250mg): If you thought cayenne was only good cooking, think again. Numerous studies show cayenne boosts the metabolism and triggers a process known as thermogenic fat burning that causes extra calories to be lost from the body as heat.
- Green Tea Leaf Powder Extract (250mg): A very good natural fat burner that also enhances the health. Many studies prove green tea has value as a weight loss aid and a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows it can continue to deliver its benefits for up to 24 hours.
- Caffeine (130mg): A diet pill regular. Caffeine’s abilities as a stimulant allow it to counter the effects of diet-related fatigue. It’s also good for boosting concentration and focus. Caffeine also encourages thermogenic fat burning. The dose provided here is slightly more than that provided by a standard cup of coffee. How much value it offers will depend on individual tolerance rates. For some women the results should be good, it may offer others no benefit at all, and it’s presence will make Lean Fat Burner for Her unsuitable for women who do not tolerate stimulants well.
- Acetyl L-Carnitine HCI (110mg): An amino acid that’s often added to bodybuilding supplements because it appears to encourage fat burning without loss of muscle mass.
- Choline Bitartrate (100mg): A popular choline-providing ingredient. Studies involving female martial artists (judo/taekwondo) show choline supplements can support rapid weight loss, but the women involved in the study were given 2g of choline per day. The amount provided here is considerably less.
- Cocoa Seed Powder Extract (50mg): Cocoa extracts provide a mood-enhancing stimulant called theobromine.
- Guggul Powder Extract (50mg): Guggul is a resin taken from a species of tree found growing in India. When it’s combined with hydroxycitric acid, L-tyrosine, and phosphate it appears to accelerate the fat burning process. Without their presence it’s unlikely to offer any benefit at all.
- Advantra-Z (50mg): A branded citrus fruit extract (citrus aurantium) that provides a fat burning stimulant called synephrine. Research shows citrus aurantium can work well, especially when combined with caffeine, but Advantra-Z is unlikely to work any better than most standard citrus aurantium extracts.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (44mg): When given in doses of 1800mg per day, alpha lipoic acid appears to have value as a weight loss aid, but all the studies conducted to date suggest lesser doses provide no benefits at all.
- Pantothenic Acid (20mg): A B vitamin. Like all B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps the body extract energy from food.
- Biotin (100mcg): Another B vitamin that aids the extraction of energy from food. Biotin also helps provide healthy-looking hair and is known to be good for the nails and skin.
Lean Fat Burner for Her Customer Comments
Customer feedback is mixed.
Some average customer comments read:
“The pills are a little tough on the tummy, but they do work. I usually take them after eating a bowl of oatmeal because I find it reduces the burning sensation. I’ve been using them for 4 weeks now and have already lost 5lbs.”
“Totally useless! Seriously! This product doesn’t do a thing. Took it every day for 6 weeks and actually gained weight instead of losing it.”
“I can confirm Lean Fat Burner for Her works if you watch what you are eating and get plenty of exercise. I was already doing pretty well, but since I added the pills to my daily routine I’m losing a couple of extra pounds a week.”
“These pills gave me horrible heartburn. I hoped it would stop as I became used to them, but it didn’t. Stuck with them for 2 weeks and then decided enough was enough. Never lost any weight at all.”
Any Side Effects
A number of former customers state using the pills caused them to experience unpleasant stomach issues including feelings of nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort.
We also found some reports of heartburn and burning sensations in the oesophagus.
It’s unclear why some users have such a reaction, while others appear to be able to use the product without any problems, but reports of side effects of this nature always set the alarm bells ringing so we suggest all potential users of this product obtain a doctor’s approval before supplementation is commenced.

Where to Buy Lean Fat Burner for Her
The best place to buy Lean Fat Burner for Her is via the manufacturer’s website and, apart from being able to make a one-time purchase customers are also offered a “Subscribe to Sale Price”.
Anyone who buys via this option will receive a fresh consignment of pills every six weeks.
However, autoship arrangements such as this usually entail a discount. In this case, none is offered.
Ladies who buy via Autoship pay the same as those who make a one-off purchase.
Women who buy Lean Fat Burner for Her are not offered a money back guarantee.
Although the Lean Fat Burner for Her fat burning formulation contains a few good fat burning ingredients, like cayenne and green tea.
It also contains a lot of dead weight and the lack of any strong appetite suppressing ingredients will mean many women who use the product will still struggle to lose weight unless they pay again and buy some appetite suppressing diet pills to use as well.
However, the product also appears to have the potential to cause side effects and any woman who finds she cannot continue using it will be unable to claim a refund because there is no money back guarantee.
Lean Fat Burner for Her should offer some level of fat burning potential, but it’s not one of the better options available.
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